Tanisha Burt

We have found 10 public records related to Tanisha Burt in 3 states . We haven't found any business registration records connected with Tanisha Burt. There are 4 profiles of government employees in our database. All people work in Maryland state. Average wage of employees is $72,250.

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KS [1] MD [8] NY [1]

Tanisha T Burt

Name / Names Tanisha T Burt
Age 44
Birth Date 1981
Person 737 70th, Kansas City, KS 66112
Possible Relatives Annette M Dirt

Tanisha M Burt

Name / Names Tanisha M Burt
Age 46
Birth Date 1979
Person 41 Norman, Buffalo, NY 14210
Previous Address 212 Kay,Buffalo, NY 14215

Tanisha R Burt

Name / Names Tanisha R Burt
Age N/A
Phone Number 410-655-0141

Tanisha Burt

Name / Names Tanisha Burt
Age N/A
Person 8314 Scotts Level, Baltimore, MD 21208
Possible Relatives

Tanisha Burt

Name / Names Tanisha Burt
Age N/A
Person 14 Walden Oak, Gwynn Oak, MD 21207
Possible Relatives
Email Available

Tanisha Burt

Name / Names Tanisha Burt
Age N/A
Person 8314 Scotts Level, Pikesville, MD 21208
Possible Relatives
Email Available

Burt Tanisha R

State MD
Calendar Year 2018
Employer University Of Maryland
Name Burt Tanisha R
Annual Wage $85,000

Burt Tanisha R

State MD
Calendar Year 2017
Employer University Of Maryland
Name Burt Tanisha R
Annual Wage $68,000

Burt Tanisha R

State MD
Calendar Year 2016
Employer University Of Maryland
Name Burt Tanisha R
Annual Wage $67,000

Burt Tanisha R

State MD
Calendar Year 2015
Employer University Of Maryland
Name Burt Tanisha R
Annual Wage $69,000