Maryellen Dicostanzo

We have found 2 public records related to Maryellen Dicostanzo in . Ethnicity of Maryellen Dicostanzo is Italian. Education level of Maryellen Dicostanzo is Completed High School. Maryellen Dicostanzo speaks English language. We haven't found any business registration records connected with Maryellen Dicostanzo. We haven't found any government employees.

Maryellen C Dicostanzo

Name / Names Maryellen C Dicostanzo
Age 59
Birth Date 1965
Also Known As Maryel D Dicostanzo
Person 36 Purcell St, Staten Island, NY 10310
Phone Number 718-442-5844
Possible Relatives Margaret J Minucci

Previous Address 399 14th St #A, Brooklyn, NY 11215
215 Raritan Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305
24 Roosevelt Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314
24 Fdr Dr, New York, NY 10002
399 14th #A, Staten Island, NY 10301
Email [email protected]

Maryellen Dicostanzo

Name Maryellen Dicostanzo
Address 36 Purcell St Staten Island NY 10310 -2731
Phone Number 718-442-5844
Email [email protected]
Gender Female
Ethnicity Italian
Ethnic Group Mediterranean
Estimated Household Income $200,000
Estimated Net Worth $50,000
Lines Of Credit Trade Counter 2
Range Of New Credit 101
Education Completed High School
Language English