Loretha Turner

We have found 10 public records related to Loretha Turner in 7 states . Ethnicity of Loretha Turner is African American 2. Education level of Loretha Turner is Completed High School. Loretha Turner speaks English language. We haven't found any business registration records connected with Loretha Turner. We haven't found any government employees.

Loretha T Turner

Name / Names Loretha T Turner
Age 62
Birth Date 1963
Person 233 Blount Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70807
Phone Number 504-778-0242
Possible Relatives

Previous Address 223 Blount Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70807

Loretha B Turner

Name / Names Loretha B Turner
Age 75
Birth Date 1950
Person 1407 42nd St #42, Fort Pierce, FL 34947
Phone Number 772-465-2646
Possible Relatives
Previous Address 2711 Avenue M, Fort Pierce, FL 34947
508 22nd St, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
3801 Avenue M, Fort Pierce, FL 34947

Loretha G Turner

Name / Names Loretha G Turner
Age 76
Birth Date 1949
Also Known As Loretha A Turner
Person 6634 Peoria Ave, Tulsa, OK 74136
Phone Number 225-774-5662
Possible Relatives
Carol Buchannan
Previous Address 2929 Ray Weiland Dr #107, Baker, LA 70714
10210 Ave L 244 #244, Baton Rouge, LA 70807
Email [email protected]

Loretha Turner

Name / Names Loretha Turner
Age 79
Birth Date 1946
Person 8811 Lumpkin St #F-1, Hamtramck, MI 48212
Possible Relatives
Previous Address 18620 Marktwain, Garden City, MI 48135
2390 Ewald Cir #205, Detroit, MI 48238
18620 Mark Twain St, Detroit, MI 48235

Loretha Turner

Name / Names Loretha Turner
Age N/A
Person PO BOX 34, GREAT FALLS, SC 29055

Loretha G Turner

Name / Names Loretha G Turner
Age N/A
Person 6634 S PEORIA AVE APT 7, TULSA, OK 74136

Loretha B Turner

Name / Names Loretha B Turner
Age N/A
Person 704 WILSON AVE, SPRING LAKE, NC 28390
Phone Number 910-436-2457

Loretha Turner

Name / Names Loretha Turner
Age N/A
Phone Number 601-928-5599

Loretha A Turner

Name / Names Loretha A Turner
Age N/A
Person 2929 RAY WEILAND DR, APT 107 BAKER, LA 70714
Phone Number 225-774-5662

Loretha G Turner

Name Loretha G Turner
Address 2929 Ray Weiland Dr Baker LA 70714 APT 107-3257
Phone Number 225-774-5662
Gender Female
Date Of Birth 1946-01-01
Ethnicity African American 2
Ethnic Group All African American Ethnic Groups
Estimated Household Income $15,000
Estimated Net Worth $1
Lines Of Credit Trade Counter 1
Range Of New Credit 1001
Education Completed High School
Language English