We have found 9 public records related to Lila Rau in 4 states . Ethnicity of Lila Rau is German. Education level of Lila Rau is Completed College. Lila Rau speaks English language. There is 1 business registration records connected with Lila Rau in public record. This business is registered in Texas state. There are no industries specified in public records for the businesses we have found. We haven't found any government employees.
Name / Names | Lila Cook Rau |
Age | 82 |
Birth Date | 1943 |
Person | 608 Parkview Ln, Richardson, TX 75080 |
Possible Relatives |
Marvin Fredrick Rau Terri Victorine Serafine |
Associated Business | Limar, Inc |
Name / Names | Lila Rau |
Age | 90 |
Birth Date | 1934 |
Person | 4910 15th Ave #201, Fargo, ND 58103 |
Phone Number | 701-282-4247 |
Possible Relatives | Raymond E Rau |
Previous Address |
4910 15th Ave #104, Fargo, ND 58103 4910 15th Ave #208, Fargo, ND 58103 114 5th Ave, West Fargo, ND 58078 4910 15th #201, West Fargo, ND 58078 |
Name / Names | Lila S Rau |
Age | 93 |
Birth Date | 1931 |
Also Known As | Lila F Rau |
Person | 5107 Delaware Ave, Everett, WA 98203 |
Phone Number | 425-339-2397 |
Possible Relatives |
Chalene P Ergler Gerald S Rau Shannon R Rau Rau Gerald Rau Toby R Rau Randy R Rau Toby R Gramsrau Family Trust Rau Tristin R Rau |
Previous Address |
12015 Marine Dr #908, Tulalip, WA 98271 12015 Marine Dr #307, Tulalip, WA 98271 11705 2nd Dr #205, Everett, WA 98208 |
Name / Names | Lila F Rau |
Age | N/A |
Person | 5107 DELAWARE AVE, EVERETT, WA 98203 |
Phone Number | 425-339-2397 |
Name / Names | Lila R Rau |
Age | N/A |
Person | PO BOX 263, LEOLA, SD 57456 |
Phone Number | 605-439-3310 |
Name / Names | Lila Rau |
Age | N/A |
Person | 4949 16TH AVE S, APT 222 FARGO, ND 58103 |
Phone Number | 701-282-4247 |
Name / Names | Lila Rau |
Age | N/A |
Person | 4949 16TH AVE S APT 222, FARGO, ND 58103 |
Phone Number | 701-282-4247 |
Person Name | Lila Rau |
Filing Number | 0113211300 |
Position | P |
State | TX |
Address | 608 PARKVIEW LN, Richardon TX 75080 |
Name | Lila Rau |
Address | 4949 16th Ave S Fargo ND 58103-8929 APT 222-8931 |
Phone Number | 701-282-4247 |
Gender | Female |
Date Of Birth | 1930-08-15 |
Ethnicity | German |
Ethnic Group | Western European |
Estimated Household Income | $20,000 |
Estimated Net Worth | $25,000 |
Education | Completed College |
Language | English |