Jessi Nicole

We have found 5 public records related to Jessi Nicole in 2 states . There is 1 business registration records connected with Jessi Nicole in public record. This business is registered in Georgia state. There are no industries specified in public records for the businesses we have found. There are 4 profiles of government employees in our database. Job titles of people found are: Sal - Ot Other, Other and Aide. All people work in Michigan state. Average wage of employees is $5,353.

Choose State

GA [1] MI [4]

Jessi Nicole

Person Name Jessi Nicole
Filing Number 800989250
Position Director
State GA
Address 1841 Marietta St., Atlanta GA 30318

Hoard Jessi Nicole

State MI
Calendar Year 2016
Employer Traverse City Public Schools
Job Title Sal - Ot Other
Name Hoard Jessi Nicole
Annual Wage $15

Hoard Jessi Nicole

State MI
Calendar Year 2016
Employer Traverse City Public Schools
Job Title Other
Name Hoard Jessi Nicole
Annual Wage $20

Hoard Jessi Nicole

State MI
Calendar Year 2016
Employer Traverse City Public Schools
Job Title Aide
Name Hoard Jessi Nicole
Annual Wage $13,340

Hoard Jessi Nicole

State MI
Calendar Year 2015
Employer Traverse City Public Schools
Job Title Aide
Name Hoard Jessi Nicole
Annual Wage $8,036