James Campbell - Oregon

We have found 9 public records related to James Campbell in Oregon . There are 2 business registration records connected with James Campbell in public records. All found businesses are registered in Oregon state. There are no industries specified in public records for the businesses we have found. We haven't found any government employees.

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James Campbell

Business Name Fluid Air Components, Inc
Person Name James Campbell
Position company contact
State OR
Address 8430 NE Killingsworth, PORTLAND, 97219 OR
Phone Number
Email [email protected]

James Campbell

Business Name FAC Automation LLC
Person Name James Campbell
Position company contact
State OR
Address PO Box 55848, Portland, OR 97220
SIC Code 811103
Phone Number
Email [email protected]

James B. Campbell

Name James B. Campbell
Doc Id 07401877
City Beaverton OR
Designation us-only
Country US

James B. Campbell

Name James B. Campbell
Doc Id 07396107
City Beaverton OR
Designation us-only
Country US

James B. Campbell

Name James B. Campbell
Doc Id 07731347
City Beaverton OR
Designation us-only
Country US

James B. Campbell

Name James B. Campbell
Doc Id 07699459
City Beaverton OR
Designation us-only
Country US

James B. Campbell

Name James B. Campbell
Doc Id 08300266
City Beaverton OR
Designation us-only
Country US

James B. Campbell

Name James B. Campbell
Doc Id 08117134
City Beaverton OR
Designation us-only
Country US

James B. Campbell

Name James B. Campbell
Doc Id 07859691
City Beaverton OR
Designation us-only
Country US