Isabel Carciofolo

We have found 5 public records related to Isabel Carciofolo in . We haven't found any business registration records connected with Isabel Carciofolo. There are 4 profiles of government employees in our database. All people work in New York state. Average wage of employees is $80,082.

Isabel A Carciofolo

Name / Names Isabel A Carciofolo
Age N/A
Person 285 COUNTY ROUTE 57, PHOENIX, NY 13135
Phone Number 315-695-5770

Carciofolo Isabel A

State NY
Calendar Year 2018
Employer Syracuse City School District
Name Carciofolo Isabel A
Annual Wage $82,784

Carciofolo Isabel A

State NY
Calendar Year 2017
Employer Syracuse City School District
Name Carciofolo Isabel A
Annual Wage $79,776

Carciofolo Isabel A

State NY
Calendar Year 2016
Employer Syracuse City School District
Name Carciofolo Isabel A
Annual Wage $79,759

Carciofolo Isabel A

State NY
Calendar Year 2015
Employer Syracuse City School District
Name Carciofolo Isabel A
Annual Wage $78,007