We have found 10 public records related to Felicitas Muniz in 3 states . Ethnicity of Felicitas Muniz is Hispanic. Education level of Felicitas Muniz is Completed College. Felicitas Muniz speaks Spanish language. We haven't found any business registration records connected with Felicitas Muniz. We haven't found any government employees.
Name / Names | Felicitas Muniz |
Age | 49 |
Birth Date | 1976 |
Person | 1204 32nd, Melrose Park, IL 60160 |
Name / Names | Felicitas Muniz |
Age | 88 |
Birth Date | 1936 |
Also Known As | Felicita Muniz |
Person | 72 Vine St, Nashua, NH 03060 |
Phone Number | 603-598-0579 |
Possible Relatives |
Dianne Elizabeth Bass Diane Acosta William L Muniz Edwin L Muniz William Muniz Emilie A Muniz |
Previous Address |
72 Vine St #203, Nashua, NH 03060 72 Vine St #306, Nashua, NH 03060 334 Evergreen Ave #2, Brooklyn, NY 11221 85 Walnut St, Nashua, NH 03060 310 Central Ave #1B, Brooklyn, NY 11221 144 Cornelia St, Brooklyn, NY 11221 |
Name / Names | Felicitas Arispe Muniz |
Age | 94 |
Birth Date | 1930 |
Also Known As | Felicitac Muniz |
Person | 126 Sgt Rosas St, Weslaco, TX 78596 |
Phone Number | 956-968-9625 |
Possible Relatives |
Estella Muniz Schoener Israel F Muniz Armando Muniz Nora Muniz |
Previous Address |
126 Sargent Rosas St, Weslaco, TX 78596 911 Ill, Weslaco, TX 78596 911 Illinois Ave, Weslaco, TX 78596 911 Illinous, Weslaco, TX 78596 |
Name / Names | Felicitas Flores Muniz |
Age | 101 |
Birth Date | 1923 |
Also Known As | Felicita Muniz |
Person | 412 Chicago Ave, Mcallen, TX 78501 |
Phone Number | 956-686-7550 |
Possible Relatives |
Gloria M Bermudez Selicitas F Muniz Muniz Olga Hector Muniz Nelda Muniz Garza Simon A Muniz Marilou Garcia Olga M Lucio Melda Muniz |
Previous Address |
720 Quail Ave #1, Mcallen, TX 78504 313 Zinnia Ave, Mcallen, TX 78504 |
Name / Names | Felicitas F Muniz |
Age | N/A |
Person | 412 CHICAGO AVE, MCALLEN, TX 78501 |
Phone Number | 956-686-7550 |
Name / Names | Felicitas A Muniz |
Age | N/A |
Person | 126 SGT ROSAS ST, WESLACO, TX 78596 |
Phone Number | 956-973-9401 |
Name / Names | Felicitas Muniz |
Age | N/A |
Person | 1204 N 32ND AVE, MELROSE PARK, IL 60160 |
Phone Number | 708-345-7187 |
Name / Names | Felicitas Muniz |
Age | N/A |
Person | 110 Teresa St, Del Rio, TX 78840 |
Possible Relatives | Joaquin R Muniz |
Name / Names | Felicitas Muniz |
Age | N/A |
Person | 211 Eller St, Pharr, TX 78577 |
Possible Relatives | Emma Muniz |
Previous Address | 3501 McColl Rd, Mcallen, TX 78501 |
Name | Felicitas Muniz |
Address | 126 Sgt Rosas St Weslaco TX 78599-8718 -8718 |
Phone Number | 956-351-5546 |
Gender | Unknown |
Date Of Birth | 1926-10-18 |
Ethnicity | Hispanic |
Ethnic Group | Hispanic |
Estimated Household Income | $0 |
Estimated Net Worth | $50,000 |
Lines Of Credit Trade Counter | 1 |
Education | Completed College |
Language | Spanish |