We have found 6 public records related to Elena Torregrossa in 2 states . Ethnicity of Elena Torregrossa is Italian. Education level of Elena Torregrossa is Completed Graduate School. Elena Torregrossa speaks English language. There are 2 business registration records connected with Elena Torregrossa in public records. All found businesses are registered in New Jersey state. All found businesses are engaged in Educational Services (Services) industry. We haven't found any government employees.
Name / Names | Elena A Torregrossa |
Age | 84 |
Birth Date | 1940 |
Person | 811 Middletown Lincroft Rd #R, Middletown, NJ 07748 |
Phone Number | 732-671-1081 |
Possible Relatives |
Suzanne J Torregrossa Robert E Torregrossa S Torregrossa Ellen M Torregrossa Rue E Torregrossa |
Name / Names | Elena Torregrossa |
Age | 94 |
Birth Date | 1930 |
Also Known As | Elena Torregorssa |
Person | 18 Madison St, Franklin Square, NY 11010 |
Phone Number | 516-775-9001 |
Possible Relatives |
Joseph Chri Torregrossa Salvatore A Torregrossa Lorraine M Torregrossa Micahel A Torregrossa Albert J Torregrossa Christine A Torregrossa Joseph M Torregrossa Sal A Torregrossa |
Name / Names | Elena A Torregrossa |
Age | N/A |
Business Name | St Leo The Great Rmn Cath Schl |
Person Name | Elena Torregrossa |
Position | company contact |
State | NJ |
Address | 550 Newman Springs Rd Lincroft NJ 07738-1412 |
Industry | Educational Services (Services) |
SIC Code | 8211 |
SIC Description | Elementary And Secondary Schools |
Phone Number | 732-741-3133 |
Number Of Employees | 73 |
Fax Number | 732-741-2241 |
Business Name | St Leo Great School |
Person Name | Elena Torregrossa |
Position | company contact |
State | NJ |
Address | 550 Newman Springs Rd Lincroft NJ 07738-1412 |
Industry | Educational Services (Services) |
SIC Code | 8211 |
SIC Description | Elementary And Secondary Schools |
Name | Elena A Torregrossa |
Address | 811 Middletown Lincroft Rd Middletown NJ 07748 -3108 |
Phone Number | 973-628-8631 |
Gender | Female |
Ethnicity | Italian |
Ethnic Group | Mediterranean |
Estimated Household Income | $100,000 |
Estimated Net Worth | $0 |
Lines Of Credit Trade Counter | 1 |
Education | Completed Graduate School |
Language | English |