Debbie Mellow

We have found 2 public records related to Debbie Mellow in . We haven't found any business registration records connected with Debbie Mellow. We haven't found any government employees.

Debbie May Mellow

Name / Names Debbie May Mellow
Age N/A
Person 14408 304th St, Kent, WA 98042


Amount 1000.00
To Corey D. O'Brien (D)
Year 2010
Transaction Type 15
Filing ID 10930568423
Application Date 2010-03-11
Contributor Occupation Info Requested
Contributor Employer Info Requested
Organization Name Richard Mellow Electric
Contributor Gender F
Recipient Party D
Recipient State PA
Committee Name Corey D O'Brien for Congress
Seat federal:house
Address 805 Enterprise St DICKSON CITY PA