Brian Koczur

We have found 10 public records related to Brian Koczur in 2 states . We haven't found any business registration records connected with Brian Koczur. There are 4 profiles of government employees in our database. All people found job title is Transp Generalist. All people work in Minnesota state. Average wage of employees is $52,571.

Choose State

IN [3] MN [7]

Brian A Koczur

Name / Names Brian A Koczur
Age 48
Birth Date 1977
Person 421 Liberty Pl #1403, Hobart, IN 46342
Possible Relatives

Previous Address 8217 Ellsworth Pl, Merrillville, IN 46410
8217 Ellsworth Pl, Merrillville Bra, IN 46410

Brian Koczur

Name / Names Brian Koczur
Age N/A
Person 2327 W 11TH ST, DULUTH, MN 55806

Brian J Koczur

Name / Names Brian J Koczur
Age N/A
Person 5222 IDLEWILD ST, DULUTH, MN 55804

Brian A Koczur

Name / Names Brian A Koczur
Age N/A
Person 19 MAXWELL ST APT 3, HEBRON, IN 46341

Brian Koczur

Name / Names Brian Koczur
Age N/A

Brian J Koczur

Name / Names Brian J Koczur
Age N/A
Person 1255 ADAMS ST S, CAMBRIDGE, MN 55008
Phone Number 763-689-4993

Koczur Brian J

State MN
Calendar Year 2018
Employer Transportation Dept
Job Title Transp Generalist
Name Koczur Brian J
Annual Wage $56,103

Koczur Brian J

State MN
Calendar Year 2017
Employer Transportation Dept
Job Title Transp Generalist
Name Koczur Brian J
Annual Wage $54,837

Koczur Brian J

State MN
Calendar Year 2016
Employer Transportation Dept
Job Title Transp Generalist
Name Koczur Brian J
Annual Wage $51,809

Koczur Brian J

State MN
Calendar Year 2015
Employer Transportation Dept
Job Title Transp Generalist
Name Koczur Brian J
Annual Wage $47,535