Ancil Westfall

We have found 2 public records related to Ancil Westfall in . Ethnicity of Ancil Westfall is Norwegian. Ancil Westfall speaks English language. We haven't found any business registration records connected with Ancil Westfall. We haven't found any government employees.

Ancil L Westfall

Name / Names Ancil L Westfall
Age 96
Birth Date 1928
Person 4241 Cleveland Ave, Dayton, OH 45410
Phone Number 937-256-4513
Possible Relatives

Anna J Stfall

Ancil Westfall

Name Ancil Westfall
Address 4241 Cleveland Ave Dayton OH 45410 -3405
Phone Number 513-256-4513
Gender Unknown
Ethnicity Norwegian
Ethnic Group Scandinavian
Estimated Household Income $35,000
Estimated Net Worth $50,000
Lines Of Credit Trade Counter 5
Range Of New Credit 1001
Language English