We have found 5 public records related to Allen Pilecki in 2 states . We haven't found any business registration records connected with Allen Pilecki. There are 4 profiles of government employees in our database. All people found job title is Team Manager. All people work in California state. Average wage of employees is $194,471.
Name / Names | Allen M Pilecki |
Age | 68 |
Birth Date | 1956 |
Also Known As | Allen A Pilecki |
Person | 520 Palm Springs Blvd #801, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937 |
Phone Number | 407-777-1540 |
Possible Relatives | Elizabeth Eleanore Pilecki |
Previous Address |
500 Palm Springs Blvd #708, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937 528 Peregrine Dr, Indialantic, FL 32903 520 Palm Springs Blvd, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937 520 Palm Springs Blvd #80, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937 |
Associated Business | Musicians Alliance, Inc |
State | CA |
Calendar Year | 2015 |
Employer | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
Job Title | Team Manager IV |
Name | Allen J Pilecki |
Annual Wage | $157,769 |
Base Pay | $63,239 |
Overtime Pay | N/A |
Other Pay | $69,093 |
Benefits | $25,438 |
Total Pay | $132,331 |
Status | PT |
State | CA |
Calendar Year | 2014 |
Employer | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
Job Title | Team Manager IV |
Name | Allen J Pilecki |
Annual Wage | $218,507 |
Base Pay | $144,508 |
Overtime Pay | N/A |
Other Pay | $14,899 |
Benefits | $59,099 |
Total Pay | $159,407 |
Status | FT |
State | CA |
Calendar Year | 2013 |
Employer | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
Job Title | Team Manager IV |
Name | Allen Pilecki J |
Annual Wage | $201,389 |
Base Pay | $134,909 |
Overtime Pay | N/A |
Other Pay | $12,519 |
Benefits | $53,961 |
Total Pay | $147,427 |
State | CA |
Calendar Year | 2012 |
Employer | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
Job Title | Team Manager IV |
Name | Allen Pilecki J |
Annual Wage | $200,219 |
Base Pay | $131,158 |
Overtime Pay | N/A |
Other Pay | $18,851 |
Benefits | $50,209 |
Total Pay | $150,010 |